Treatment plans for feeling like yourself again.
Struggling with fatigue, mood swings, insomnia, or hot flashes? Can’t overcome low libido or decreasing muscle mass? For women of every age, hormone imbalance can trigger frustrating symptoms, debilitate daily life, and leave you feeling like a shadow of your former self. Hormone optimization is key at every age.
You don’t have to give up just yet— there’s a way to feel like you again.
Hormone Optimization for Women
Hormone optimization improves your hormone levels to reduce the side effects of hormonal imbalances. Though most common for women going through menopause, anyone struggling with hormonal imbalances can benefit from the treatment.
At The Woman’s Clinic, we’ve developed a robust program to guide you through the process for powerful results.

Here’s an overview of our most popular treatment, why it works, and potential pathways available through our clinic.
Meet with the provider to discuss which tests and options are available based on your symptoms.
Visit in person or via telemedicine to review your lab results and formulate a customized treatment plan.
Follow-up to provide an update on the progress or progression of the treatment plan.
Sometimes hormones can be complex, and we may need time to go through the entire treatment plan to address multiple issues.

Some Popular Options are Bioidentical Hormones
At the Woman’s Clinic, we frequently recommend Bioidentical Hormone replacements if you are a candidate that balances daily hormone levels to alleviate hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms.

Bioidentical hormones are different than synthetic hormones and are chemically identical to what your body produces.
It’s important to understand that not all hormones are created equal, and therefore, they do not all pose the same risks.
Synthetic hormones, which are man-made versions designed to mimic naturally occurring hormones in the body, have their own set of risks and side effects. This distinction points out that comparing the risks associated with synthetic hormones to those of natural or bioidentical hormones is not straightforward; each type of hormone has a unique profile of risks and benefits.
Thus, when considering hormone replacement therapy or other hormone-related treatments, it is crucial to take into account the differences between synthetic and other types of hormones.
Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Pellets
Renewed Vitality, Enhanced Wellbeing
Here’s what makes Bioidentical Hormone Pellets so powerful!
Natural Hormones
Bioidentical hormones are derived from plant sources with the exact same chemical structure as the hormones a woman’s body naturally produces. This has two major benefits:
- Unlike the synthetic hormones in traditional hormone therapy, Bioidentical Hormone Pellets mirror a woman’s own hormones
- Bioidentical Hormone Pellets can be personalized to match a patient’s needs

Specifically Dosed & Hassle-Free
Hormone pellets are the most convenient method for delivering bioidentical hormones on the market today. By inserting them under the skin, patients:
- Don’t have to apply daily creams
- Don’t have to take pills orally
- Don’t have to risk gastrointestinal alterations
The Woman’s Clinic Doctors are specifically trained by SottoPelle in pellet dosing and placement.
Safe and Proven Results
Our clinic’s top priority is personalized therapy with empowering results. We recommend this method for a very simple reason: we’ve seen it work time and time again.
As you go through treatment, we will work with you to ensure that your dosage matches your blood levels, symptoms, and individual concerns to secure lasting relief.
Other Hormone Imbalance Treatments
Available at The Woman’s Clinic
While Bioidentical Hormone Pellets offer a lot of benefits, we understand that they may not be the best option for everyone. Don’t worry; we can still secure the results you’re looking for! Here are a few other paths to explore with your physician:
Vitamins and Supplements
B vitamins such as B6, B12, and folate are involved in the production of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. For women who are deficient in these areas, supplementing can support healthy hormone production.
Vitamin D also plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health. Many studies have shown that adequate levels of vitamin D can be particularly important for women’s health, with benefits ranging from improved fertility and healthy pregnancy outcomes to reduced risk of chronic illnesses.

Thyroid Hormone Optimization
Thyroid hormone imbalances can contribute to a range of symptoms, such as fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, and low libido.
Thyroid hormone optimization uses a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary interventions, and medication to restore your optimal thyroid function.
Insulin Resistance and Weight Gain
It’s important to understand that insulin resistance occurs before diabetes can be diagnosed. When you are insulin-resistant, it can be difficult to lose weight. Insulin can also interact with other hormones and affect their levels.
We can help determine the extent to which insulin resistance may be contributing to other hormonal issues.

Insulin resistance leads to elevated insulin levels, which play a key role in the body’s energy management and fat storage. When cells become less responsive to insulin, the pancreas produces more insulin to help glucose enter the cells. This condition can result in higher levels of circulating insulin.
Insulin signals the body to store energy as fat. When there are consistently high levels of insulin, the body tends to convert calories into fat instead of using them for energy. This can lead to fat accumulation, especially around the abdomen, and exacerbate hormonal imbalances, making weight management more challenging.
Adrenal Testing
We can test cortisol and DHEA to see how your adrenals are performing. High cortisol levels can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, while low cortisol levels can cause chronic fatigue. We also work with Diagnos-Techs Labs to conduct saliva cortisol testing throughout the day to gauge overall production.
Need help developing an alternative treatment plan?
Additional Hormone Optimization Resources
At The Woman’s Clinic, we believe life starts at whatever age you’re at right now. And with the right information on hand, you can make the most of it starting today. Download our free guide now to learn more about hormone optimization!

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